Monday, March 30, 2009

"Office Hours" by Cambrian Players


This comedy by Norm Foster ran seven nights starting March 26th at the Paramount Theatre (yes, "upstairs from Wiggles and Giggles") to great reviews. I wasn't part of the cast, but did sell tickets at the door on the 27th. However, this picture of Richard Penney's family could be called the "Pepper Family". I am told that in one rehearsal this character (a recently outed gay lawyer) acquired my name!

Birthday Celebrations with Family: Mar. 29/09

Most of the cake had been eaten at my Thursday evening Surprise Party.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Birthday Celebrations - The Sequel: March 26th (Surprise!)

I had made plans with friends to celebrate my birthday after Thursday Night Small Group. I knew my family would have a party for me the following Sunday, but I figured that was it for celebrations.

I rode the elevator with Doug, Jenn and the B - Man, but when it opened it wasn't my mother's floor; it was the basement where the condo's party room is. I thought I'd pressed the wrong button, but it was Jenn who had pressed it. I walked right past the sign giving instructions to the guests as to how to get to the party.

"Durn handwriting's too small!"

"Hey Ed! Here's your coffee!"

"Gee, folks, I'm Touched!"

More pix:


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Birthday Celebrations: March 25th


I stopped by Bill and Wendy's and played Cars and Cards with my little buddy. This was the first time he spoke my name!

Then I carried on to a LOTR Society meeting I had heard about on the radio. There I had a reunion with a friend from Dorion Bible Camp: "The Cook Formerly Known as Inez".


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Paul & Jenny Abell's visit: March 2009

Paul Abell speaking at St. Luke's Anglican about Creation care on behalf of the organization A Rocha: March 16.

Paul Abell and Frances Bennett-Sutton speaking at LUCF about Creation care on behalf of the organization A Rocha: March 20.


Saturday, March 14, 2009

Crokinole Tourney 2009 (March 14)


I won 5/5 games and Gord Jr. won 4 and the shootout against the other 4 game winners.

Bowing down before the Crokinole gods!
