Monday, October 30, 2006

Cousins (for Shroom)

According to When Is a Pig a Hog? by Bernice Randall "The term cousin is now applied to the child of one's uncle or aunt, as is first cousin, full cousin or cousin-german... One's second cousin is a child of one's parent's first cousin...One's cousin once removed is either is either a child of one's own first cousin or a first cousin of one's parent."

So at a Family Reunion you might tend to hang around with your cousins(first, second, third) because they would be your generation (and often c. your age). You might have to babysit your cousins once (or esp. twice) removed or possibly be babysat by them.

You share grandparents with your first cousins, great-grandparents with your second cousins (and, I assume, great-great-grandparents with your third and so on).

So I think that makes Andrew Foulds Shroom's second cousin (the son of his Dad's cousin Jim). Your chart, Shroom, appears to put him at your generation and you share great-grandparents.

I think that is what you said in the first place.


  1. Pardon the "is either" repetition.

    BTW the book was given to me by ELK for 25 years at Dorion Bible Camp.

  2. Cool, thanks! I've had various people tell me that Jim is my second cousin or that Andrew is my second cousin, but none of them both!

    vs t lent

  3. Cousins for Shroom -- because he is after all "only a child".
