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Sunday, January 31, 2016
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Two-Bit Auction Coming Up on Feb. 25/16
Just one sample of the many baskets being prepared for the Feb. 25 Two-Bit Auction at the Elks Hall in support of Camp Gitchigomee.
Gifts for the Crossing Guard (Me): Jan. 27/16
Near the end of my last shift today, a group of kids who don't normally cross the street made their way towards me from Kingsway. I wondered where they were all going. They were coming to me to give me gifts!
Sunday, January 24, 2016
Camp Gitchigomee Volunteer Appreciation: Jan. 23/16
Great meal. Prizes. Camp stories. I led "Man Gave Names to All the Animals", "You Are My All in All", and "Little Cabin in the Woods".
Um ... zero?
"Meatballs and spaghetti"
Dish-washer selfie
Photos by George+
Sunday, January 17, 2016
Friday, January 15, 2016
Open Stage at the LU Study: Mon. Jan. 11/16
At the LU Radio Open Stage at the Study I sang:
My Sound Check Song (& My Sound Check Waltz),
You're In Love,
Cal(i)purnia's Dreamin',
I'm Too Old (For the NHL),
Nobody Talks (During Coaches Corner), and
Commodores Are Dumb.
Both of my three fans attended.
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Fra - jee - lay: Jan. 13/16
Maybe "the Old Man" in A Christmas Story was right.
I spotted this on a box I was prepping for recycling the other day.
Monday, January 04, 2016
Hometown Hockey in Thunder Bay: Jan. 2,3, 2016
Poor Young Things
Wendel Clark
The Allan Cup
Ron MacLean
After Cambrian Improv was over (c. 2100h), I headed back down to the event & caught the end of the game. I managed to appear on camera a few times behind Ron. We were outside, and he was inside a trailer behind a big window. See the pictures above. I'm not visible in the photo above, but every so often (following a five second delay) I appeared behind the guy in the blue Finnish jersey.
Once the event was over, the crew started to tear down, but no one told us to leave. I overheard the MC tell someone else that it was unlikely that Ron would come outside to greet people. (He had done so in the afternoon, while I wasn't there.) So I handed my CD with "Nobody Talks (During Coaches Corner)" to a producer who assured me he'd get it to Ron. I did later see this fellow through the window wandering around inside the trailer with my CD in hand.
Eventually there were only three of us (two strangers & I) who were hanging around the broadcast trailer waiting for Ron. Shortly after 2200h, Ron emerged, and took some time to pose for pictures. I told him about my song & that a producer had it. He said that, in that case, he would get it.
Don received a copy of it, and in July 2002 he sent me this postcard:
Here's a link to a streaming version of the song: