... and it goes on from there. The back cover must have been drawn by someone who had never seen a hockey game.
I drew wrote/drew these stories when I was in about Grade Five, I would guess.
Grade Two Printing Exercise: I'm not sure whether I composed the story myself or not.
Tune I composed for one of the songs in Cambrian Players' production of _Halo_ by Josh MacDonald, directed by Kat Ferrazzo, Nov. 2009:
1960s: 127 South Brodie St. Much later when it was Hull's Family Bookstore, I lived in the apartment above:
I was a member of the Banana Splits Club!
It was all just a scam by adults to get us to behave!
"Be sure to drink your Ovaltine."
"... a crummy commercial!"
Banana Splits Hand Puppets:
Rings from cereal:
From my penpal, Hiroko Takamoku. We started writing when I was 15, and ended in our 20s when she got a "boy friend". It's hard for me to grasp that she is likely a grandmother in her late 50s, and that we will probably never meet.
Consonant Blend Book: 1967
Wolf Cub Souvenirs:
I didn't attend the Manitoba Jubilee. I think I just found the badge somewhere.
Award for showing up:
I was at this event, but not that I was not awarded my Red Star for some reason. Maybe I criticized the obviously staged pose in the photo:
What 46 Beaufort Road looks like now:
Sunday School at First Church United:
My Dad mailed me (and siblings, too, I think) these so that we would have a Fort William and then a Thunder Bay postmark.
"I was today years old, when I learned that my Dad's nickname in his youth was also Peps (or possibly Pep). My Mum says that in fact it took her a while to find out what the real name of this handsome fellow who came to her workplace was. (I look like him.)" (Jan. 21/21)

Elmer the Safety Elephant was something of a crossing guard. Hmmm.
I won't post all the pages of my Gr. 2 Health & Science book. Most of it was science as above.
One safety section was "Safety at School"
1) Don't push at the fountain.
2) Don't be a Pushy-pig.
3) Don't play ball near the windows.
4) Don't run in the hall.
5) Don't play by the doors.
"Don't be a Pushy-pig." ?!
"Front Room" wallpaper at Westbury Cr.: