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Thursday, September 29, 2022
Wednesday, September 28, 2022
Go-Kart: Sept. 28/22
He wanted me to take this pic, even though I'm pretty sure his home-made ("from the ground up") vehicle is not street-legal.
Saturday, September 24, 2022
Vinyl Listening Party: Sept. 24/22
Shroom Pizza. There was also a Thai Chicken pizza.
The full five. My contribution was the Medical Mission Sisters' "Joy Is Like the Rain" Side One, plus "I Cannot Come".
Thursday, September 22, 2022
Saturday, September 17, 2022
Busking for the Alzheimer's Society: Sept. 17/22
Duck Race* at Trowbridge Falls -- preceded by Jim 'n' I.
* no race due to high/fast water; so the winners were just drawn from the net pictured below:
I sang:
A Hard Day's Night (Lennon/McCartney) with Jim 'n' I*,
Happy Together (Bonner/Gordon),
Eight Days a Week (Lennon/McCartney),
Put a Little Love in Your Heart (De Shannon/Holiday/Myers),
Scooby Doo/Buffy Medley,
Hey Hey We're the Monkees (Boyce/Hart),
I'm a Believer (Diamond),
With a Little Help From My Friends (Lennon/McCartney),
Blowin' in the Wind (Dylan), and What a Wonderful World (Brimhall/Weiss/Theile).
Review: No one "stood up and walked out on me".
* or with Jim 'n' Me if you prefer to be grammatically correct.
Monday, September 12, 2022
Cheer's Open Mic Gang Campfire: Sept. 12/22
I sang:
Open the Door, Homer* - this week's lesser-known Bob song,
The Phony King of England (Harris),
Let It Rain (Clapton/Bramlett),
Peter Hart (Pepper),
Underneath This Tree (Pepper),
Refugee (Petty/Campbell),
Empty Places (Pepper), and There Goes a Cigar Smoking a Man (Gary S. Paxton).
*Dylan & The Band actually sing "Richard", not "Homer".
Highlight: Kris sang several of her own early songs, which I've never heard before.
Pix by Kris.
Sunday, September 11, 2022
Keri's Birthday: Sept. 11/22
Trampoline, Hide 'n' Seek, repaired bike tire, supper, cake & prezzies.
Taken by Goo "Let me take a picture from A____:
Friday, September 09, 2022
Crossing Guard Huts Repainted: Sept. 9/22
In case you were wondering, yes, the crossing guard huts are a different shade of yellow this year.
Monday, September 05, 2022
Cheer's Open Mic Gang Campfire Jam: Sept. 5/22
I sang:
Tell Me That It Isn't True - this week's lesser-known Bob song,
9 to 5 - (Parton),
Back in the USSR (Lennon/MCCARTNEY),
Spanish Is the Loving Tongue (Charles Badger Clark),
We Shall Overcome (Tindley/Seeger), and Good Night (Lennon/McCartney).
Review: A string broke during "Back in the USSR". A sign?
Pix and vid by Kris.
Saturday, September 03, 2022
Bike Ride: Sept. 3/22
Marks, Piper, Norah, Empire, path, Neebing, Rosslyn Rd, 25th Side Rd, Arthur/Hwy 130, Cooper, 130 to 17 & back to Vibert, Cedar Lane, Vibert, Maple, Ridler, Rosslyn, Elm, Rosslyn, Rosslyn Village (Maple, St. Marks, Pine, Birch Lane, Rossdale), Rosslyn, Pennock Dr., Pinewood, Rosslyn, Kingswood Dr. & Ct, Rosslyn, Neebing, Mary, Tarbutt, Empire, Norah, Piper, Marks. Total c. 45 k.