I was not involved in this one in any way, except as an audience member.
Not Victorian England; Regency!!
I was not involved in this one in any way, except as an audience member.
Not Victorian England; Regency!!
Honouring board retirees: Kevin Pollock, Charlie Wilson, Scotland Morrison, Donna Barron, and Linda Seargeant (in absentia).
Chat with K and J re. Cambrian play, Hide 'n' Seek with funny goggles with M., Uno with K, A & M, tea, pasta & pitas with all + T, helped A get her gym bar inside, dancing in the living room.
My theme was songs by women:
Complicated (Lavigne/The Matrix),
1234 (Feist/Seltmann), and
9 to 5 (Parton).
High(low?)light: Martina dedicated "American Idiot" to DJT and partway through, the power amp died (done, I expect, by Elon via Starlink). So the evening came to an early end with a totally unplugged version of "Teenage Dirtbag" (pictured).
Chat with K; Uno with K,A, & M; J's homemade box dice game, fairy house, kinetic sand, pasta & salad with all plus T, "Mr. Noah and the Second Ark", Charades.