
Thursday, February 27, 2025

Open Mic at Lakehead Beer: Feb. 27/25


My theme was songs by Canadians:

The Big Bang Theory (BNL), Bird On a Wire (Cohen), and Everything Is Boring (The Beaches).

Zach played piano (pictured),
The healing of John's burned hand,
Symphony players .

"Hey, where'd you get that camera bag?" - attractive young blonde woman, who didn't also say "Hey, I liked your songs!" Oh well.


Sunday, February 23, 2025

Visit With P-W Fam: Feb. 23/25


I had Guys and Dolls rehearsal, and so I arrived just before supper: pasta, salad & green beans. Goo did some painting after supper.


Whitfield Sisters Visit Mum: Feb. 23/25



Saturday, February 22, 2025

Celebration of Life: Dr. John Whitfied: Feb. 22/25


Dave & Pam Harris:

Rauni & Sylvia with Lawrence Whitfield:

Most of B & C's kids, plus "Littel Ev" (no Miana):

Photographers Lawrence Whitfield & Katie Pomber. John Dixon in the background, and John Trudeau in the foreground:


Thursday, February 20, 2025

Open Mic at Lakehead Beer: Feb. 20/25


My theme was Fire:

This Wheel's On Fire (Dylan/Danko),
Playing With Fire (Jagger/Richards),
Ring of Fire (Carter/Kilgore),
I'm On Fire (Springsteen), and
Light My Fire (Krieger).
Threw It All Away (Dylan), and
Three Little Birds/Rivers of Babylon (Marley/Dowe/Farian/Reyam/McNaughton).

- Newcomer Katie on ukulele (which she's only been playing for two weeks).
- John, though injured hand prevented him from playing guitar, sang along with Kris on piano.
- The return of "The Weight" by the young ones, who called me up for a harp solo.
- Julian's birthday.
- Canada won!


Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Car Tracks: Feb. 19/25


A car was heading north on Sprague. Another was waiting at the stop sign heading east on Empire. I think that driver thought they had enough time to pull out in front of the Sprague car, and get up to speed (or did not see it). The roads were slippery and the Sprague driver likely thought he did not have enough time to brake without losing control, and so he drove quite deliberately between the telephone poles and up onto the church yard. The other driver continued on, possibly unaware of what had happened. The Sprage drive reversed out of the yard, and continued on, seemingly with no damage. No pedestrians (except me) or other vehicles were nearby.


Monday, February 17, 2025

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Open Mic at Lakehead Beer: Feb. 13/25


Ny theme was Love:

I Will (Lennon/MCCARTNEY),
'69 - '74 (Pepper), and
Make You Feel My Love (Dylan).
I Can't Help Falling in Love With You (Creatore/Weiss),
Threw It All Away (Dylan), and
Happy Together (Bonner/Gordon).

Highlights: Barrett's Privateers by Elliott and friend (below), and
Playing harp on "Piano Man" (Joel) for a "birthday girl".


Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Sincerely Me Cabaret: Feb. 12/25


As one of the many performers, I sang my song parodies "Calpurnia Dreamin'" and "Et Tu" (Hey Jude).

Highlight: people laughed at the right places, (and not when I forgot the words).


Sunday, February 09, 2025

Visit With P-W Fam: Feb. 9/25


Chat with K & T, kids arrived from swimming, AMPW's medals, pasta, wild cucs pickles, artichokes, badge from M just before I left.


Singing to Mum: Feb. 9/25



Thursday, February 06, 2025

Open Mic at Lakehead Beer: Feb. 6/25


My theme was Life/Death:

Satisfied Mind (Hayes/Rhodes),
In My Life (LENNON/McCartney), and
The Living Years (Robertson/Rutherford ). ---- "Encore": The Way (Scalzo).

Review: "I liked that first song." (which I sang mostly a capella)
-- KC Westfort
(and I liked his new song).


Monday, February 03, 2025

Table Tennis Set:


The only reason I bought this for a few bucks (despite not have a table or room for one) is because it is the same box as I had in my childhood:


Sunday, February 02, 2025