
Saturday, January 01, 2005

Frozen Car

I am sitting upstairs by my bedroom window blogging while a space heater is attempting to thaw my frozen car door.

That's "thaw", not "unthaw". "Unthaw" = "freeze".

I'm a bit paranoid about such things and so I'm keeping an eye on it, fearing it might catch on fire or be stolen by some alleywalker lusting after a space heater.

I do have several which I bought at thrift stores intending to donate and so I suppose I won't miss this one. But I'd prefer the theft scenario over the fire scenario.

My pastor drove across town last night to get me to the small gathering at Tim and Miriam's in order to play "Greedy" (dice game), Spoons (I won, yeah!), Charades and children's Simpsons Dominos. Got to bed at 0530hrs?

Heater is still there. Not on fire. That suggests a Strong Bad quote. Can you guess which one?

1 comment:

shroomAzoom said...

“All the cars are not on fire. Aw.”