
Thursday, May 19, 2005

My Toe Hurts

I had trouble sleeping last night because my foot/big toe hurts. I had to put ice on it. Strangely enough it's the foot that got slammed in Robin's truck door on Tuesday night, but it didn't hurt then. I don't think it's broken or it would be agonizing to stand on it (plus I think it would have hurt a lot sooner).

Dr. Pepper.

Another quote I just made up: "You don't get to be 'the next Beatles' by sounding like the Beatles."


Erica said...

Like the spicyness of hot peppers - the pain is indirectly proportional to the size of the limb!

Paula T said...

uh gee richard........can't imagine why your toe hurts???

reppepper said...

BTW it happened the night that Robin, Mike and I met Victor at Applebee's for his birthday. It wasn't Robin who slammed the door. It wasn't me either.