
Friday, November 18, 2011

"The Importance of Being Earnest" Nov. 2011



I greatly enjoyed being part of the crew (designing and running sound) of Cambrian Players' production of Oscar Wilde's "The Importance of Being Earnest", directed by Gabe Ferrazzo.

Pictured above is the cast and crew feasting sumptuously on free snacks provided by and at Gargoyle's Bar and Ale!

The last night cast member, Meesha, took a lot of photos including this one of director Gabe Ferrazzo, yours truly at the sound computer, Chris Jason on lighting and Jay Stapleton, who also operated the lights and helped out in various ways.

On Nov. 18 Darren Foulds and Brian Jones sat right in front of the sound & lights desk. I hope that the muttered "Standing by"s did not bother them.

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