
Friday, December 02, 2011

Valdy on the Holiday Train: Dec. 2/11


Valdy was the featured performer this year at the annual visit of the CPR Holiday Train, giving a half-hour sub-zero outdoor concert starting at 2130h at the train station for the price of a few canned goods for the RFDA.

He began with a bizarre Christmas rap. With Tracey Brown he sang & led such songs as Winter Wonderland, Jingle Bells & Silent Night. And, of course, Valdy sang that song of his.

Santa Claus put in an appearance and pretended to rap (with vocals provided by the drummer).

Jim & Sherry, pictured with Valdy, are personal friends of his & so it was easy for me to meet him, though he was already very friendly and ready to meet people.

BTW (& FWIW) as for any tut-tutting that it's a "holiday" train and not a Christmas train, they did sing Silent NIght AND much of the pre-show recorded music was of the Biblical (or semi-Biblical) type. In fact the first words we heard were partway through Elvis' version of "It Is No Secret" (not even a Christmas song!) "With arms wide open, He'll pardon you."


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