
Saturday, August 20, 2022

MPC (Pioneer Camp Manitoba) Classic Boys Aug. 6 - 19 '22


Playlist of all my MPC '22 clips (usually c. 30 sec each) in chrono order. For topical playlists, see below:

Links to all my MPC Boys Camp sessions

Sat. Aug. 6:

Playlist of My Arrivals and Departure: THIS IS THE WRONG YEAR - FIX IT

Playlist of Physical Changes Around Camp:

Sun. Aug. 7:

Mon. Aug. 8:

Tue. Aug. 9:

Overnight Excursion to St. Pierre:

Wed. Aug. 10:

Playlist of Selected Skits/Songs:

Puzzles With Peps Round One:

Thu. Aug. 11:

Puzzles With Peps Round Two:

Fri. Aug. 12:

Planking competition:

Wilderness Skills Egg-Boiling Competition:

Save the P3 Club:

Titanic Skit:

P3 Cruise:

Sat. Aug. 13:

My Solo Tour of the LeaderSHIP Centre:

The Rebellion of Major King, and Destruction of His Castle:

Playlist of Camp Programming including the Destruction of Major King's Castle:

Sun. Aug. 14:

Mon. Aug. 15: Breakfast in Bed

Tue. Aug. 16:

Wed. Aug. 17:

Thu. Aug. 18:

Annual walk around the island ... except that this year due to high water it was impossible ... except that I did it.

About halfway around the path was blocked by a swampy inlet. I decided to go back the way I came, but ran into another swampy inlet that hadn't been there before. So I headed forward again, hoping I could find a path parallel to the new inlet across the island, but that inlet never reappeared!! I returned to camp the usual way. (Note that I did have a whistle with me, and a knife for blazing a trail.)

Nature Clips Including From the Island Trail:

The Matrix Banquet:

This year's camp shirts:

Fri. Aug. 19:

LIT Prank:

Last Robin Hood Skit: King Richard finally appears:

Playlist of Selected Robin Hood Table Talk Skits:

My home for the 2 weeks, Cabin 5:

We had to whip back around to the Front Dock, as Spencer had forgotten her phone:

OFficial pix from Instagram:

Fulltime Staff Team:


Four Month Program Team:

Four Month Site Team:

Campers (cleared for photos, but unidentified):



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