
Friday, June 10, 2005

I Don't Understand Call Centres

I phoned EI today, because I had to report extra income ($102 of Vacation Pay). The -- what do you call them? -- lady was away from the phone for quite a while calculating what the overpayment was (because I actually rec'd this in a previous period). The answer -- eventually: $102.

Then she had to put the Muzak back on for quite a while while she found out how many more weeks I have left on this claim (13).

Ive had similar experiences phoning CAA. Answering my straightforward questions about my account becomes complicated for reasons I cant comprehend. Are they not sitting in front of a screen that contains every detail of my life? -- well, (I hope) my EI life or my CAA (or whatever) life? Are they actually putting me on hold for a while simply because theyve just spotted how they can beat Free Cell?

So I dont understand Call Centre life and maybe I never will -- unless thats where I end up working.

Kyrie eleison!!

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