
Monday, June 27, 2005

When he realized that Pat and Courtney were going to be in town, Tim Lappala initiated the idea of a party of the current and former IVCF staff (who are in town) at my place. I have volunteered with IV/ISCF for a long time and was, in fact, interim part-time staff between Nina and Tim. (I was actually still full-time with CSSM Ministries/Dorion Bible Camp at the time, but IVCF contributed to my support, helped with IVCF and received monthly reports from me.) The party was Saturday night and it was a good time of eating, chatting and never getting around to playing Balderdash.

Back Row L - R: Miriam Lappala (who was staff for 1/2 a year), Tim Lappala (who was also my Assistant Program Director at Dorion Bible Camp for 3 weeks in '96), Paul Morrison (current LUCF staff), Pat Cain (ISCF for a year before Annika) and Mary Ellen Cain (ISCF '98 - '01).

Front Row L - R: Courtney & Isaac Cain, Annika Vastamaki (current IVCF High School
Ministries staff "Frontline") and Richard Pepper (moi).

(Pat, Courtney and Mary Ellen, of course, were also staff in various capacities at Dorion Bible Camp.)

So TU, erica, mim, timlap, Black Mamba and I played Balderdash yday afternoon. Hilarity ensued.


Erin Rebecca said...

Are Courtney and Pat still there? If so, tell them hello for me and congrats on the little one. How old is Isaac? Both Josiah and then Hudson were almost called Isaac. Maybe next time we will almost have an Isaac too:)

reppepper said...

They are here for the summer. Then Pat is in the PhD program at Baylor U. in dontmesswithTexas.

Paula T said...

I didn't even know Courtney and Pat got married!!! WOW!! What a summer camp story. And a too! That's so cool. say hi for me too!