I put my tree out yesterday. Now Christmas is over. Now I feel sad. I have to put my cards back in their envelopes and decorations back into the attic.
I want more presents.
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I must have taken my tree down really early. I see in people's windows here that many people still have their tree up. Did people just keep them up longer this year? was yours a real tree?? Did it last that long?
Mine was a real tree (not a hologram).
I didn't water it as faithfully as I should have, but when I carried it through the house to the back, it didn't shed any needles.
I think they finished taking the trees from the community centre chipping dump yday. So I am a bit surprised by the number of trees you still see in windows in MN. Lots of Orthodox maybe?
I'll email ELK's address to you.
The word is "wgapu". That's the 2nd variation on Apu, I've seen. Is it Simpsonian or scatalogical?
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