
Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Passport Application

In an attempt to blog more often I will just whine about something I noticed today.

I was looking over my passport application instructions. They state that I am to use my "usual" signature.

However, in the instructions and also at each place where my sig is required I am warned that if it touches the blue border it is VOID.

The space provided is c. 1 x 6 cm. Not only will my usual signature not fit, but I suspect that many usual sigs will not fit in that space.

This is dumb!

There, I'm done.


Eric said...

Nothing is quite as nerve racking as trying to sign within the lines and still make your signature look close to what it normally does.

reppepper said...

Yep, that is *the* most nerve-wracking experience in the world!! ;)

I suppose they might argue that the strip on the back of most cards is c. the same size, but I do not think of what I put on those cards as my "usual" signature.