
Saturday, December 31, 2005

Rock Stars

Shroom asked me at the Harbronsoneheckuvaholidayhullabaloo if I had drawn anything recently (apart from the Christmas quiz pic). I recalled later that I had quickly drawn these caricatures for a project a Gr. 8 girl was doing on Rock Music c. 3 years ago.

I realized that I had scanned them quite a while ago, but just needed to crop and resize them.

I like some of them -- such as Bob Dylan, but the resemblance in others (such as Huey Lewis -- one of the giants!!) is pretty sketchy.

Can you list all the dead ones? Can you describe how they died? (Be specific. Whose vomit?)

They are in alphabetical, not chronological, order.

The finished project:



Paula T said...

I like the MIchael Jackson one, even though he's not dead.....yet.

shroomAzoom said...

Wow, thanks, those are cool! Jim Morrison looks a lot like himself. So do you. :)

reppepper said...

I look like Jim Morrison?!

shroomAzoom said...

No, you look like yourself. Just like Jim Morrison does. :P

reppepper said...

Jim Morrison looked like me!!!?

shroomAzoom said...

Jim Morrison looks a lot like himself. So does Richard (look like himself.) I have a sneaky suspicion that I look like myself too.

reppepper said...

In one of my Harbrononehalfuvaheckuvahullabaloo pics (not ready yet) you look something like Robin.