
Friday, September 07, 1973

First Few Days at Churchill: Sept. 1973


Some more entries from my diary (first days at Sir Winston Churchill, Gr. 9) ... just because...

Tue. Sept. 4/73: Went to school with Bill [Chambers] and Wayne [Shymko]. In same home room as Dan. N.[icholas]. Went to bank and Lil's on bike. Raced Slots cars with Wayne, Roy & A.[drian]. Watched 'Please Sir'.

Sept. 5: Saw Adrian [brother], Don [?], Craig [Kryluk] & Pam [Joyce] at school. Went in wrong class. Couldn't remember what class I was in. Drew Neighbourhood.

Sept. 6: Ran River Route in Gym Learnt lots in typing. Printed leaves in art. Did homework and typed Decaled.

Sept. 7: Ran River Route again Learnt r&t in typing Had film in History Cut Grass. Delivered S.[unday]S.[chool] things.
