Richard Konrad on the back path
Cabin 14, which later (2004) was my first Boys Camp cabin.
Ramsay Unruh
Clare Hawkins was camp staff, though from ThBay. Now I have worked with his sons as staff there.
jan, Liisa, Barb & Gord on Senior Point
Alice Ewbank
Harv Sawatsky, Mike Thiessen, Tim Unruh
Mike & Tim became my best buddies for the weekend.
I was a terrible photographer.
Perry Luyt was my best friend in high school.
I think he left the weekend early to move with his family to S. Ont.
James Froese
Ruth Buckley
Conrad Braun
Sandy Luedtke
Bob Pfuetzenreuter (seriously), Maem Slater, Cheryl Roos, Harv Sawatsky, Mike Thiessen
I have now worked with Maem's kids as staff at MPC.
Gary Schellenberg, Ron Poetker
Gordon "Scotty" Stewart
Chris Janus
Cathy Friesen
In plaid: Gary Haacke
Shirley Levacy in jean jacket
Lunch near Kenora