
Thursday, August 31, 1989

Dorion Bible Camp 1988,89

There are more pix at Dorion Bible Camp 80's and more Dorion Bible Camp Oldies and Dorion Bible Camp the Andy Years.

PreCamp Cricket 88

PreCamp Cricket 88

The James Gang van 88

Jamie and a dead bird 88

Hi Teens Lookout Lodge 88

Inter. 2 88

My niece at the Christmas Fair: Primary 88

That's me in the bag. 88

Visiting Seniors with the Followup Team 88

Camp Reunion: Jan. 89

PreCamp 89: Mavis and Bob Heinrichs.
I think Jeremiah is in this pic either in utero or in the car.

Hi Teens 89: Those are gloves, not condoms.

Community Camp 89: The Temptation of Christ