
Friday, January 28, 2011

Monday, January 24, 2011

Ruth & Richard on Radio: Jan. 24/11


For those who don't want to see our faces

For those who do want to see our faces
(Ruth's at least!!)

Hey, Richard, pay attention.
Ruth is singing.

This was on Gloria Ranger's show on LU Radio: 102.7 FM.

We sang "What a Fellowship", "Get Thee Behind Me" (RP), one by Ruth's aunt Darlene, & one by Ruth ("Through the Night", I believe), "With All My Heart" (RP), "Power in the Blood" and Cockburn's "Tie Me at the Crossroads When I Die".

Both "Get Thee" & "Tie Me" had a theme about being at a crossroads: one possibly earlier in life & the other at the End. In the last one we don't really care what people think if we have chosen well at the first one (and those that follow).

Thank you, Gloria, for having us, & Ruth for making time for this in this time of getting ready to leave for work.
Sadly, apart from a brief "Hi there" in passing at LU one day, this was the last time I ever saw Ruth, as she has been working out of town a lot, and now (Dec. '11), I gather, is back at LU. This was a nice and good musical association, but it's gone.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Camp Gitchigomee Vol. Appreciation Lunch: Jan. 22, 2011


Camp Gitchigomee Volunteer Appreciation Lunch was held in St. Michael and All Angels Anglican Parish Hall.


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Lego Houses in Sunday School: Jan. 16/11


The Wise and Foolish Builders (and Drivers)


Game Nights in January 2011


"Word Thief" at Bryan and Kaela's, Thu. Jan. 13/11

"Eurorail" (I think) at Shroom's, Sat. Jan. 15/11

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Poker @ Kuchtas' - Jan. 8/11

I don't play poker (this was Texas Holdem) that often, and (in case you're wondering) this was just for chips. This increased my willingness to bluff and go all in. Kevin and Shannon were eliminated fairly early, leaving me to play the boys. Caleb beat me at the flip on one card.

Isn't this how the sandwich was invented?

For some hands we were not able to see our own cards.

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Toast to Prof. Tolkien: Jan. 3/11

At the Ruby Moon for his birthday with some local LOTR nerds.

Take 1.

Take 2!!

Harbron Hubbalabalooba "2010": Jan. 3/11


Jammin' with Dad

Cuttin' the cheese


Sharing when the chips are down

Saturday, January 01, 2011

New Year's Eve 2010-11


I spent New Year's Eve with the Kuchtas at their home, along with the Dunns, Shane Milanese, Sandy Taddeo, Tim and his girls, and the Milnes.

The finish of a cartwheel

Faith's impressive portrait of me.
