
Sunday, May 28, 2023

Gathering Table: May 28/23


I'm posting this more than a year later and then back-dating it. So I think I was just being the Lay Reader that morning, not preaching as such, but I'm not sure. Anyway, later on I had to turn in my Lay Reader Medallion and certification, because it turns out that I'm disqualified since I am not a confirmed Anglican.


Saturday, May 27, 2023

Alzheimer's Society Walk For Memories: May 27/23


As a Busker along the route I sang:

If You Could Read My Mind (Lightfoot),
The End of the Line (The Traveling Wilburys),
Karma Chameleon (O'Down/Hay/Craig/Moss/Pickett),
Vincent (McLean),
Medley in D:
-- Three Little Birds (Marley),
-- By the Rivers of Babylon ((Dowe/Farian/Reyam/McNaughton),
-- What a Wonderful World (Weiss/Thiele),
-- Don't Be Cruel (Blackwell),
-- Love Me Tender (Darby/Poulton),
-- The Lion Sleeps Tonight (The Lion Sleeps Tonight (Linda/Weiss),
-- All I Want Is You (U2)
-- With a Little Help From My Friends (Lennon/McCartney).


Thursday, May 25, 2023

Open Mic at Lakehead Beer: May 25/23


Because of Bob's birthday the day before, I sang all Dylan:

Love Minus Zero/No Limit,
In the Summer Time,
Subterranean Homesick Blues,
I'll Remember You,
Absolutely Sweet Marie,
Simple Twist of Fate, and
Rainy Day Women #12 & 35.

Video here


Monday, May 22, 2023

Bike Ride: May 22/23


Marks, Walsh, Selkirk, Victoria, Int'l Friendship Gardens, Legion Track Dr., Chapples Circle Road, Ford, Con College, Golf Links Rec Trail, Junot, Walkover, Blucher, Red River Rd, Landmark Inn, Renfrew, County Blvd, Wardrope Rd, Wardrope Pl., Silverstone Pl. (and then, not necessarily in this order) Aquamarine, Ruby Ct & Cr., Gemstone, Burgundy, Tuscany, Opal, Fenwood, Contessa, Vintage, Sapphire), Hilldale, Wardrope, Market, Wal-Mart, Landmark Inn, Red River, Blucher, Windsor, Algonquin, Lakehead University, path through College, William, Ford, Walnut, Int'l Friendship Gardens (portapotty), Victoria, Franklin, Walsh, Marks.


Saturday, May 20, 2023

Vinyl Boys: May 20/23


I arrived late (after Open Mic campfire). We were outside, but with no fire. No Tim. My contribution was side one of "Love Song" by Love Song.


Open Mic Gang Campfire: Sat. May 20/23


I sang:

When the Ship Comes In (Dylan),
Echo Beach (Gane), and
The End of the Line (Traveling Wilburys).

Highlight: AMPW singing "Flowers".


Bike Ride (Short): Sat. May 20/23


Along Syndicate to Kam Heritage Park, and then back along Ridgeway, Vickers, Walsh, and Marks.


Men's Breakfast: May 20/23


I knew some or all of "the Vinyl Boys" would like to see this shirt, worn at the St. Paul's/Gathering Table Men's Breakfast.


Thursday, May 18, 2023

Open Mic at Lakehead Beer: May 18/23


My theme was The (Mostly Dead) Traveling Wilburys:

Handle With Care,
Tweeter and the Monkey Man, and
The End of the Line.

I was also invited to use my new harmonicas on "I Shall Be Released" by two hairy guys with guitars, and the Finale "The Weight" (E and A respectively).

Highlight: harmonicas that are not flat.


Sunday, May 14, 2023

Momologues 2 - Off To School: May 3 - 14/23


I was the Sound Designer.


Matinee Tea:

