
Friday, September 13, 2024

Link to Open Mic Crew Post


Click here to see most of my 2020 Quarantunes!

Because it has so many embedded videos, the page takes a while to load (at least with my slow connection), so I've moved it from being the first page you see. So I've moved it to earlier in the year.


Dorion Bible Camp Songs Home Recordings


Six years ago I began recording Dorion Bible Camp songs (the "card" songs). Recently with "Stay at Home", I've begun catching up.

To Playlist on Youtube

Click here for a songbook containing lyrics and chords for these songs and many others from that era at Dorion.


Thursday, September 12, 2024

Open Mic at Lakehead Beer: Sept. 12/24


Because I'm still recovering from a cold, I chose to sing short original songs:

Cowboy Lament,
Bob From Nunavut, and
The Biggest Toy (See vid by Steve below).

Review: "Lovely" - Asha

Highlights: The return of Matteo,
A viola ! ,
John sang wedding song for Keri's birthday, despite the distraction of a strange guy who wanted to get up & jam with him.


Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Nora Ellis Funeral: Sept. 11/24


Photo by Gord Jr:

Mine from the reception/reunion:


Sunrise: Sept. 11/24



Sunday, September 08, 2024

Visit With P-W Fam: Sept. 9/24


When I arrived they were finishing KD lunch, and M was told to keep some "social distance" because of my cough. She needed reminders. We hung out in the back yard, while E put on pointy nails, and sometimes A did gymnastics on the trampoline. I drank Echinacia tea. Then M had me get the bar out for her and A to use. K played guitar. T arrived. Then I played guitar for a bit. Pasta & salad. Played with "orbies"? JinJin played Fetch. K did a headstand.


Mum Playing Keyboard: Sept. 9/24



Sunday, September 01, 2024

Visit With P-W Fam: Sept. 1/24


Searching blind-folded games with M, kinetic sand with M & E, pasta, salad, & zucchini-chocolate loaf, Fairy House with M. (A at her dad's)
