
Saturday, January 25, 2025

Cambrian Improv Show: Jan. 25/25


With special guest, stand-up comedian: Brandon Cordeiro.

Establishing the Platform:

Two Line Vocabulary:


Survivor: Nerdy Teens Building a Snow Man in a Grumpy Old Man's Yard

Clap On a Line:

Space Jump:

Everyone In a Line:

Filme Noire


String of Pearls: no pix

Freeze Tag:

Typewriter: Brandon the Happy Ladybug and Brandon the Miserable Caterpillar:

Shoulda Said:

Rubik's Cube: Eating a Giant Turkey Leg in The Renaissance:

Channel Surfing:

The Blues:

No pix

GIF by Ken:

"String of Pearls" and "Typewriter":


Thursday, January 23, 2025

Open Mic at Lakehead Beer: Jan. 23/25


My theme was Clouds:

Monsters in the Sky (Pepper),

Get Off of My Cloud (Jagger/Richards),
Both Sides Now (Mitchell),
Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds (v.3) (LENNON/McCartney), and
Reprise of Get Off.

Highlight: Bracelets from Zach for the regulars (pictured).

A still from a reel shared recently, though footage is from a night when Bernie was still around.
