
Saturday, August 31, 1996

Dorion Bible Camp 50th Anniversary Tribute Booklet


When you click on each page, it will probably open in a resized version. To read it, you will probably have to right-click on it and choose "View Image", "Open Image in Another Tab" or the like. Even then you may need to click on it with the magnifying glass icon which is likely to appear.

Note that the scenario I describe in my Preface of preparing to "fly away" with Jesus at the world's end was my view at the time.

However, I no longer believe that best describes the Biblical view of the Christian hope at the end of this age, especially NOT flying away to "somewhere in outer space" (good grief). I don't want to propagate that view here.

Rather I believe that at Christ's coming at the end of this age, He will usher in the Kingdom in its fullness, restoring His Creation as a New Heavens and Earth. "And Earth and Heav'n [will] be one" as the hymn says. I believe that the final state will be more earthly than we tend to imagine (as well as more heavenly!). If there is any flying up to meet Jesus is will be to join Him as He returns and does this work, not so that He can take us far away somewhere else.


Dorion Bible Camp 1996 NEEDS INDEX PAGES


I believe that this is the placemat that we sold (or tried to sell) starting in 1997. So I think most of the pix are from '96.

We'd heard at a camping conference that campers would really like this sort of thing!

I wonder if there are still some around in the bookstore out there.

A playlist of videos from DBC 1995,96

From the official camp slides (including non-Dorion events, too):

Weird Al Yankovic Concert

ISCF Banquet with Guest: Doug Sadler

Robin's Bachelor Party

DBC Fiftieth Anniversary Weekend

Robin and Carla's Wedding

ISCF Village

Thanksgiving Camp

After Camp
