
Sunday, September 20, 2020

Bike Ride to Castlegreen, County Park: Sept. 20/20


I drove to church, then Mum's with my bike in my car. So I biked to Jean St. and rode along McVicar Creek until I came to River & wasn't sure which way to go. I found my way to Parson, Theresa where the path reappeared & took me to Grandview Arena area, and then under the Expressway to Castlegreen. I returned to the tunnel & took a different path which led to Dawson Rd by the Landmark Hotel. I retraced my path and went a different direction into County Park, even as far as Ricardo's house.

Then I retraced my route back to River St. and dropped in on Tim on Stokes St. (saw Charisse briefly there). Then along River to Prospect & back to my Mum's.


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