
Thursday, October 13, 2005

"The heart that hurts is a heart that beats." -- Bono ("One Step Closer")

But often we (including me)
Defiled as we are in this world
don't want a heart that

If someone is in pain, after all the time we can bear,
(years, weeks or seconds),
"Suck it up!" we say.

Someone (other than "me") is moved by to anger by love or passion:
"Lighten up!" he is told
By someone just cooling down from his last upset
(Hidden in his family room).

Love fuels the actions of protection
Protect the child from "the bully".
Protect "the bully" from "the lazy teenager".
Protect "the lazy teenager" from the controlling adult.
Protect us all from each other.

Sometimes the fuel explodes.
Remember: the sun is going done.


Black Mamba said...

I just wanted to say that this particular post has had an unusually large impact on my day. Not only has it sent me on a wild internet search, given me words to use in a disagreement, but it also has me scratching my head and wondering why a fan, such as myself, has not yet purchased the new album...

p.s. what's with the word verification? I feel that this may be a descriminatory procedure against blind, or almost blind people posting on your blog..

tee hee

reppepper said...

Disagreement!? With me! With Bono!!!?

Black Mamba said...

don't be silly Richard, I rarely disagree with you or with Bono...