
Monday, April 17, 2006

Christian Lies

Which of the following Christian Urban Legends are true?

1) Having survived a horrific storm, a slave trader promptly gave up his livelihood, became a Christian, and penned the hymn 'Amazing Grace' in thanksgiving.

2) Lightning struck a church after the preacher identified thunder as the voice of God during a sermon.

3) NASA scientists discovered a "missing" day in time that corresponds to Biblical accounts of the sun's standing still in the sky.

4) The Rev. Joe Wright opened a Kansas legislative session with a controversial prayer.

5) The exclamation 'Holy smoke' derives from the burning of the ballots used to elect a Pope.

6) Quranic verse 9:11 speaks of the "wrath of the Eagle cleansing the lands of Allah."

Note that at least one of these is true.

By "true" I mean essentially factual according to Yes, they are not absolute authorities on everything, but my guess is that they have put more thought into their research than most people who have forwarded these to you.


shroomAzoom said...

They may be lies, but they're "Christian Lies" and after all, isn't that the real truth?

reppepper said...

"The answer is no." -- Leonard Nimoy

reppepper said... makes a pretty convincing argument against it.

The main problem: just what is the objective standard calendar/clock (measuring the entire lifespan of the universe, which hasn't even been settled)by which one could determine that a day had disappeared?

A lot of Christians and Jews might want this story to be true, but I'm pretty sure that it is not. I still believe the account in Joshua -- just not this questionable evidence for it.