
Friday, April 30, 2021

Bike Ride: Apr. 30/21


Red River, Regent, Tupper, Algoma, McIntyre, Shuniah, Manion, Farrand, Margaret, Burriss, Huron, Royal, David (to end and back to) Dawn, Pringle, Balsam, Weaver, Balsam, Velva, Brooks, Hull (to end and back to) Brooks, Logan (to end and back to) Bruce (through gulley) Bruce, Velva, Brooks, Minot (to Balsam & back to) Brooks, Hull, Balsam, Primrose, Theresa, Bryan, Balsam, Margaret, College (and back to) Balsam, Keith, Theresa, High, Dawson, Prospect, Tupper, College, Van Norman, Regent, Red River.

Corner of Dawn & Pringle. (I'd never heard of Dawn St. before.):

This short unpaved road off Balsam is Weaver Ave.! --- :

The former Sir. John A. MacDonald School:

This path through a gully joins two sections of Bruce. Yes, I rode it (carefully):

The end of Primrose St. (off Balsam). No primroses in sight:

The strange section of Margaret where it's four-laned. Two go up (towards me) and then become yet another chunk of College. The other two go down. Across Balsam, Margaret becomes Keith (briefly), then Theresa, then High:


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