
Sunday, May 30, 2021

Bike Ride: May 30/21


Alley, Rollins, Ambrose, High, Beresford, McKibbin, Red River, Pine, River, Dobie, Parsons, Bruce, Theresa, Keith, Margaret, Shuniah, Redmond, Otto, Vera, LPH Trails, Newport, Shuniah, Redmond, alley, Albany, Fitzgerald, Court, Gibson, Boulevard paths, Gibson, Court, McIntyre, Algoma, Red River.

These signs are bigger than you might think:

As I recall, this design is an old thing, not a new thing, right?

I went off the path by Boulevard for some "alone time". An old guy followed me, and asked me if I had done this to this tree. (No.) I told him why I had go into the bush, but it still took him some time to leave. I would have explored more, but I wanted to get back on the path and away.

If I had been willing to walk my bike down this gully and over the little bridge, it would have brought me to the Current River Dam. The old guy said something about it being dangerous. Maybe he was hanging around in case I tried it and ended up in trouble.


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