
Friday, August 01, 2008

Day Five: Fri. Aug. 1/08

Manitoba Pioneer Camp "Classic Boys One". I was co-Section Head for the 5 Intermediate (age 10 - 12) cabins along with Klik.

Here's what I did that day (a typical day's activities):

Up at 0645h for Staff Mtg 0715h.
Breakfast: Oatmeal/Cereal, hard-boiled eggs & biscuits.
I led the Table Talk on the Prince Caspian skit: "Trumpkin's Doubt". (Various staff took turns)

Servant of Servants (SOS) Mtg: (Directors & Section Heads)
Skills 1 Time: Spruce rebandaged my toe. Prepped songs.
Bible Discovery: Iron Man (Klik led a series on What We Can Learn About God From Superheroes. I led songs.)
Skills 2: Klik and I had "Two on One" with Tibs.

Lunch: Grilled cheese sandwiches & soup.

Rest Hour: Patrolled.
Tracks: Klik and I met with some campers who were having trouble getting along.
Free swim: Patrolled. Visited the fishing campers.
Clubs: Visited some. Email and rested.

Supper: Chicken pot pie & vegetables.
Pumba and Shamu led the song "Old King Cole".

Cabin Time: Prepped for Song and Stories.
EP: "Knighty Night". I was a wizard who dispensed quests.
Snack followed by Songs and Stories: Led three songs, followed by Ninja's telling of "Shaddai and the Wall".

Cabin Patrol: Klik's turn.
Bed: 2300h.

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