
Tuesday, January 31, 2006

St. Thomas' Sr. Youth "Culture Shock Night": Jan. 31/06


The people of Choirland and Nurseryania exchanged visitors in order to learn about each other's societies. It was not always that easy to figure out what was going on or to fit in (or get cookies). Why was J. so sleepy? What was V.'s problem?

Rom. 14:13ff helped us out a bit -- but didn't prevent all "gaaa-ing".

Click on the thumbnails below for larger versions.

Our next Gr. 7 & up event will be Tues, Feb. 14 -- unless Richard gets a big date.

Our next event will be Feb. 14.

"Nuk, nuk, nuk!"

"I think they like odd numbers -- or was it even?"


"Show a little respect there, V.!"

"That's better."


Why is his face so white?

"Hey bro, respect your youngers."

Culture shocked!!


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