
Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Hurt People Hurt People.

Last Wednesday I spent a Quiet Day at St. Paul's Anglican with Anglican clergy (and some Deanery staff and some Lutherans). A retired Bishop (Hockin) gave short talks based on text's from Handel's "Messiah" (bearing in mind that it was the librettist who culled and arranged these texts from Scripture). Charles Jennens is usually named as this man, but
argues that a Dr. Pooley deserves the credit.

Anyway, I liked the fact that this *retired* Anglican Bishop referred to the Simpsons (somewhat) favourably. And when later I pointed out that he had attributed to Ned something actually spoken by Maude, he rec'd the correction graciously.

But the quote from the day which I will remember the longest I expect was "Hurt people hurt people."

Not only is this a useful thought, but it demonstrates the usefulness of standardized punctuation.

I can't recall whom the Bishop was quoting. I don't think it was the Simpsons. But, as the Handel/Jennens/Pooley (& maybe the Ned/Maude) story illustrates, perhaps someone other than the originator will be given the credit centuries from now.

Who know? Maybe it will be creditted to *me*!

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