
Tuesday, December 05, 2006

From a friend's Sweet Baboo

Quiz passed on to me for some unimaginable reason by timlap from this friend's friend's post.

Your Language Arts Grade: 100%

Way to go! You know not to trust the MS Grammar Check and you know "no" from "know." Now, go forth and spread the good word (or at least, the proper use of apostrophes).

Are You Gooder at Grammar?
Make a Quiz

See also this post.


Erin Rebecca said...

I got 100% too! I guess I'm gooder at grammar too:) When I concentrate. Erin

did you notice the two identical answers in one of the questions?

Erin Rebecca said...

ya, question 10 has a repeat. At first I only got 98% and I KNEW that couldn't be right, sure enough I had picked the repeat and it counted it as wrong.

reppepper said...

Yes, I saw that and it caused me some anxiety, as I was determined to get 100% and thought "What am I not seeing here?!"

Frankly, I think a lot of people's alleged poor grammar is a result of not concentrating and feeling it is not important to do so or to go back and check for mistakes.

I'm saying that sympathetically. I often find that while writing quickly I too substitute "their" for "there" etc.. It's just that 1) I proofread and 2) I (often but not always) feel that "if it doesn't kill you, why not get things right?"

Other people choose to focus their energies elsewhere, such as on being good friends, loving their families, serving God, junk like that.


shroomAzoom said...

You know I'm a "looser" when it comes to spelling, grammar and punctuation. I know that I don't proofread though and suspect (after reading Erin and your comments) that I could catch many of my mistakes if I did so.

But, what I really wanted to say was I appreciate your last paragraph, Rich. A lot of folks I consider good friends do so much better (and place a greater importance) on such communication elements than I do. I'm glad that you allow for spending energy on "other useless junk."

PS: Spelling in always in a state of change. Let your words be free (as long as I can still understand you.) :)

shroomAzoom said...

PS: I got 100% too, so what does that tell you?